Spring Cleaning the Fridge

Here in Michigan, winter loves to hold on just a little too long. Like my husband with a hole in his sock. Like company that won’t leave. Like my dog with a pair of underwear. Like my reoccurring chin hair. Anywhoo, right about March I find myself slipping into the abyss. Thats when I start cleaning!

I love to clean my house from top to bottom and give winter DA BOOT! Sadly, my refrigerator has always left me wanting. I’d throw out the expired foods, wipe down the surfaces, and put everything back but there was always something missing. This year I found the missing piece–STORAGE BINS!! Yes, storage bins take refrigerator chaos and turn it into culinary charm.

How to Organize your Refrigerator Using Storage Bins

Step 1 : Purchase clear plastic storage bins in multiple sizes. I got mine from Amazon. (Vtopmart large and small refrigerator organizer bins.)

Step 2: Take everything out of the refrigerator.

Step 3: Throughly clean the shelves, doors, and interior walls.

Step 4: Throw out the expired foods. Wipe off everything that is left.

Step 5: Organize remaining items into basic categories such as: dairy, condiments, yogurt, leftovers, meats, cheese, fruit, veggies, etc.

Step 6: Place items into appropriate sized bins.

Step 7: Label bins and place in refrigerator.

Step 8: Order dinner out tonight, you deserve it!